Static or Distortion on Playback

Static or Distortion on Playback

If a video plays normally on Youtube, your computer, or some other location, but in Video Surgeon
you hear distortion or static, it is probably the issue may be due to insufficient computer resources.

Please close Video Surgeon. The open the task manager. Write down the % CPU and Memory Utilization.
Now open Video Surgeon and again note the CPU and memory utilization. Lastly, open and play a file and
record note the memory and CPU utilization. If a significant percentage of your memory and CPU is being
used when playing back in Video Surgeon this is the cause of the problem.

Video Surgeon is not a standard video player.  It must separate the audio and video stream in order to
change tempo and then put them back together for playback.  It also employs a very sophisticated algorithm
that maintains audio quality when key or tempo are changed.  Applying this algorithm in REAL TIME as
you play a file also takes significant computer resources.

When there are insufficient resources the the result can be a stopping and starting of playing (stuttering), or a clipping or static
sound on playback.