Song Surgeon 5 crashes, freezes or simply disappears (9/26/19)

Song Surgeon 5 crashes, freezes or simply disappears (9/26/19)

If you are encountering situations with some frequency where Song Surgeon 5 crashes, freezes or simply disappears from your screen without warning there may be a reason for it.  Over the past 6-12 months more customers have written us about this - both Mac and Windows users.  What  we have determined after investigating this for several months is that this is commonly due to antivirus programs.  If you are encountering this are running any type of antivirus or malware program, please do this test.

Temporarily disable your antivirus/malware program.  Most of these programs have many modules. For example, firewalls, antivirus, active protection, system protection, ransomware and more.   It is important that you disable ANY AND ALL of these modules for this test.  After you have done this then again open Song Surgeon and use it as you normally would and see if the problem you were encountering has disappeared or lessened significantly.  If it does then you know that the culprit is your security program.  

Once you have confirmed the above, then your next step is to set up an exclusion or exception in your security program for Song Surgeon.  If you are not familiar with how to do this, I'd suggest you do a search using the name of your antivirus program and the words exception or exclusion.  This should show you many articles on how to do this.   On some security programs this is easy to do and you can set up a system-wide exception.  For others you may have to add the exception one module at a time.

If this is NOT the cause of your problem and  you continue to have crashes, please complete a incident support ticket.

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