Message says that All or 3 of 3 licenses are used

Message says that All or 3 of 3 licenses are used

If open your product and see a message that 3 of 3 licenses are used you will need to remove a license from your purchase record in order to activate the product.
In some cases you may see this message on a machine that was previously activated.  If this happens it typically means that something has corrupted the license file on your machine and we no longer recognize it. 

You can resolve this issue by logging in to your My Account page on our website and checking the number of licenses used and removing one or more of them. If you have completed the 4th descriptor field when you activate a machine this job is much easier because you will see this brief machine description, rather than a long alphanumeric machine ID. If you don't you'll only see an long alphanumeric to which you'll have to compare to the machine ID phone in Help Button >> About of the software.

Alternatively you can simply delete all of the license files in your my account page for a product and then do a 1 time re-registration.

Lastly, in this example we refer to 3 of 3 machines, some of our products come with licenses for only 2 machines AND Download Surgeon comes with only 1.

If you are not able to resolve this problem yourself, please complete an Incident Support ticket here on the Help Desk.

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